Решили сделать небольшой пост противоположный подборке белых текстур и собрать несколько десятков красивых черных фонов для Фотошопа однотонных и с узорами. Они неплохо смотрятся в какой-то сверх контрастной графике с золотыми, светлыми текстами, например с теми же шрифтами мелом или могут использоваться для наложения на определенные объекты, как подложка картинки и т.п.
Просмотрев картинки ниже, увидите что на самом деле 100% однородная заливка с глубоким цветом встречается достаточно редко, почти всегда это какие-то серо черные текстуры или синеватые/белые с использованием определенного узора или материала: дерево, кожа, мрамор, ткань, асфальт, кирпич и т.п.
Первым в статье хотелось бы упомянуть сервис прозрачных текстур Transparent Textures, где вы просто выбираете из имеющегося списка нужный паттерн и черный цвет.
Не менее интересным является архив Subtle Patterns, следующие 10+ ссылок будут вести на него.
Black Felt
Maze Black
Black Twill
Dirty Old Black Shirt
Black Scales
Black Linen 2
Black Paper
Black Linen
Spiration Dark
Blach Orchid
Dark Tire
Dark Denim
Все эти варианты, как и прозрачные примеры, позволяют реализовать у себя на сайте бесшовные черные текстуры фона. Найти их не так просто, поэтому хорошо, что есть сервисы, специально собирающие подобную графику. Чаще всего среди материалов встречаются обычные картинки хорошего разрешения.
Black Texture Background
Black Background HD Picture
Black Texture Free stock Photos
30 Black Background Texture Patterns
Leather Texture
Creased Black Paper Texture
Black Leather Wallpaper
Leather Texture Wallpaper
Perforated Leather Wallpaper
Dark Wood TexturePack
Кроме обычных изображений можно найти и другие форматы: наборы/архивы нескольких файлов, пользовательские фотографии или даже обои. Последние, кстати, также неплохо справляются с поставленной задачей — размер то у них большой.
Black Background Set
Black Bloom
Wood + Pattern + Black + Blur
Black Grunge Backgrounds Pack
Dark City Walls
Black Textures
Ladyvisenya’s Grunge Texture Pack
В следующих четырех наборах с сайта Pixeden содержится сразу по несколько фонов черного цвета для Фотошопа, хотя на самих превьюшках этого не видно.
5 Minimalist Dark Textures Pack 1
Subtle Dark Patterns Vol4
Subtle Dark Patterns Vol2
Subtle Dark Patterns Vol3
Abstract Trianglulated Dark Background
Black Square Mosaic Background
Black Honeycomb Mesh
Stitched Up
Modern Dark Texture Vector
Black Wall Surface
По стилистике многие объекты в статье похожи на текстуры в гранж стиле однако тут все же имеется определенное ограничение по цвету. Хотя, как вы уже успели заметить, оно не такое уж и строгое — в данной заметке активно используются серые и другие оттенки, потому как однотонный черный фон красивым и оригинальным без иных вкраплений сделать сложно.
Black Grunge Free Texture
Striped Black Texture
Black Vector Abstract Background
Dark Background With Cloth Texture
Scratch Texture
Textures 09
Texture 07
Texture 08
Black Wall Free Texture
Abstract Dark Background With Triangles
Black Low Poly Background
Abstract Black Background Vector Design
Black Wall of Chalkboard
Ну, и немного премиальных черных паттернов.
Black Triangular Abstract Background
Dark Slate Background
Carbon Metallic Texture
Old Black Background
Stone Black Texture
Gloomy Background Black Brick Wall
Black Wooden Wall
Black Grid Mosaic Background
Итого получилось более 60-ти бесплатных черных текстур и фонов для Фотошопа и других графических редакторов. В самом начале представлены бесшовные варианты, потом добавили обычные картинки высокого качества, фото, наборы и т.п. Надеемся подборка вам пригодится.
Чтобы как-то разнообразить светлый фон иллюстрации или сайта можно добавить в него белые текстуры. Визуально это будет выглядеть чуть поинтереснее обычной однотонной заливки. Как правило, для белого фона узоры фотошопа используются не сложные, можно сказать, даже еле заметные. Очень много подобных материалов можно найти в сервисе простых текстур SubtlePatterns о котором мы уже рассказывали. Собственно, значительная часть примеров ниже взята именно оттуда. Также вам могут пригодиться бесшовные узоры.
Скачать белые текстуры для фотошопа вы сможете пройдя по ссылкам в изображениях (кликаете по ним и попадаете на сайт-источник). Мы старались подобирать только бесплатные варианты. Среди файлов найдете разрешения картинок в PNG и EPS (с сервиса Freepik).
Large Leather
White Paperboard
White Wall 2
Simple Horizontal Light
Subtle Grey
Subtle Dots
Subtle Light Tile Pattern vol1
Subtle Light Tile Pattern vol2
Subtle Light Tile Pattern vol3
White Linen
Light Paper Fibers
Clean Textile
White Brick Wall
Vintage Speckles
Diamond Eyes
12 Free Minimal Web Patterns
Как видите, в сети удалось найти лишь парочку наборов белых текстур для фотошопа, которые бы содержали сразу несколько материалов. Ниже пойдут ссылки на проект бесплатного вектора Freepik. Здесь следует обратить внимание на то, что часть объектов является текстурами, а часть — просто белые фоны с узорами. Последние вы не сможете использовать в качестве картинки для размножение фона сайта (background-repeat). Хотя с другой стороны это компенсируется векторным форматом изображений.
White Triangles
White Geometric Texture
White Wood
White Bokeh Background with Snowflakes
Если вам нравится эффект боке, то здесь найдете более 100 соответствующих текстур.
Squared Shapes White
White Wall Texture
White Canvas Background
Shiny Triangle Shape
White Polygons Background
Silver Background
Paper Texture
White Paper
Abstract Background with Polygons
Checkered Background
White Abstract
Итого получилось 35 материалов. В некоторых из них можно найти серые и серебристые оттенки, но общую картину они не портят, а скорее дополняют. Больше текстур и белых узоров фотошопа найдете на сайтах источниках Subtlepatterns и Freepik. Там еще остались интересные изображения.
Фоны для Фотошопа: черные
В данной публикации представлены различные черные фоны, которые вы можете скачать и использовать в программе Photoshop в дальнейшей работе.
#1. Высококачественные черные фоны с разной текстурой
Free Black Backgrounds

Количество фонов: 5 шт.
Формат файла фона: JPG
#2. Набор черных фонов с различными текстурами
Black Background Set (by Freeman)

Количество фонов: 20 шт.
Формат файла фона: JPG
#3. Фоны с гранжевыми текстурами черного цвета
Black Grunge Textures (Spoon Graphics)

Количество фонов: 10 шт.
Формат файла фона: JPG
#4. Цветные текстуры на черном фоне
Black Backgrounds

Количество фонов: 22 шт.
Формат файла фона: JPG
#5. Двухцветные фоны с абстрактными текстурами
Black, Purple and Gray Digital Papers (ZoollGraphics)

Количество фонов: 6 шт.
Формат файла фона: PNG
#6. Паттерны для создания черно-белых фонов
Black and White Patterns (by MysticEmma)

Количество фонов: 6 шт.
Формат файла фона: PAT
100+ бесплатных текстур боке для фотошопа
Думаю, многие из вас встречали картинки с текстурами боке, но просто не знали как именно называется этот эффект. Данный термин используется в фотографии и представляет собой размытый фон для изображения, находящийся как будто не в фокусе. Таким приемом, как правило, пытаются визуально выделить основной объект снимка. Да, и вообще он может сделать картинку более яркой.
Фоновые эффекты боке в фотографии создаются с помощью специальных объективов и настроек. Однако современные графические редакторы позволяют имитировать данный эффект за счет разных инструментов. Так, например, в Photoshop можно попробовать специальные кисти боке или преобразование Lens Blur. Третий вариант получения подобного фона — найти и скачать текстуры боке из интернета. Как раз последнему методу и будет посвящен сегодняшний пост.
В первой части заметки мы публикуем подборки из нескольких элементов. Старались выбирать наиболее интересные и с высоким разрешением. После найдете еще парочку единичных изображений, которые были найдены в сети. Все эти текстуры боке для фотошопа можно скачать бесплатно, кликнув по картинке и перейдя на сайт источник.
Fun With Christmas Lights
24 Seamless Bokeh Textures
Grungy Bokeh Textures
Golden Bokeh
High Resolution Bokeh Texture
Royale Bokeh
Raining Light Bokeh Pack
Bokeh Christmas Lights Pack 2
Chic Bokeh Texture Pack
Frozen Bokeh Pack part 1
Be My Valentine
Texture Pack 002 by Regularjane
Bokeh III by Cocooue
Bokeh Pack 5 by Joannastar-stock
Pollywaffle Bokeh
Texture Pack 003 by Regularjane
Blue Bokeh by JenniStock
Grungy Pack
Texture Pack I by Ooc-sdz
Glitter Texture
Bokeh Light Pack
4 Light Textures vol. 2
Light Bokeh Textures Pack IV
Плюсом данных наборов есть то, что можно сразу скачать несколько текстур боке для фотошопа, а потом в графическом редакторе уже выбирать подходящие. Также авторы архивов стараются скомпоновать материалы по тематике, стилю или цвету, например: гранжевые, светлые, золотые, ко дню святого валентина и т.п. На страницах источниках можете найти детальную информацию о количестве фонов в наборе, их разрешении и т.п.
Во второй части поста решили дополнительно разместить два десятка одиночных текстур боке, которые встретились при подготовке статьи. Возможно, какие-то из них вам приглянутся. Там есть реально красивые вараинты. А еще советуем глянуть интересные акварельные текстуры.
Всего получилось 45 качественных бесплатных текстур боке для фотошопа. Хотя, если быть точнее, 25 наборов и 20 одиночных изображений. В архивах там бывает по 10-15 картинок, поэтому итоговое число материалов будет больше сотни.
90000 Photoshop Black and White Conversions 90001 90002 90002 90004 Written by Steve Patterson. 90005 90004 In the first in this series of tutorials on the many ways of 90007 converting color photos to black and white in Photoshop 90008, we learned how we can quickly remove the color information in an image by converting it to the 90007 Grayscale color mode 90008. 90005 90004 In this second tutorial, we’ll look at another fast and easy way to remove the color, this time by desaturating the image.There’s a couple of ways to go about it, so we’ll look at the most basic way first, then we’ll see how the second way gives us a little more flexibility and creative freedom with the final result. 90005 90004 Here once again is the image I’ll be using throughout these tutorials so we have an easy way of comparing the results of our various black and white conversion techniques: 90005 90016 90016 90004 The original full color image. 90005 90004 Download this tutorial as a print-ready PDF! 90005 90022 The Desaturate Command 90023 90004 The quickest way to desaturate the color in a photo is with Photoshop’s 90007 Desaturate 90008 command, which you’ll find by going up to the 90007 Image 90008 menu at the top of the screen, choosing 90007 Adjustments 90008, and then choosing 90007 Desaturate 90008: 90005 90034 90034 90004 Go to Image> Adjustments> Desaturate.90005 90004 For an even faster way to select the Desaturate command, simply press the keyboard shortcut 90007 Shift + Ctrl + U 90008 (Win) / 90007 Shift + Command + U 90008 (Mac). No matter which way you choose, Photoshop instantly desaturates all the color in the photo, leaving us with a basic black and white version: 90005 90044 90044 90004 The photo now appears in black and white after desaturating the color. 90005 90004 Using the Desaturate command was certainly quick and painless, but the problem is, it’s also permanent.If we look in our 90007 Layers palette 90008, we can see that our photo is sitting on the Background layer, and in the 90007 layer preview thumbnail 90008 to the left of the layer’s name, we see that sure enough, our image is now in black and white: 90005 90054 90054 90004 The preview thumbnail shows us a small preview of the contents of a layer. 90005 90004 Since we’ve made changes directly to the original image, if we save our document and close out of it at this point, the color in the photo will be gone for good.Even if we save the document as a Photoshop .PSD file, there will be no way to bring the original color back. Of course, one way we could have avoided this problem would have been by first duplicating the Background layer to create a copy of the image, then applying the Desaturate command to the copy. But there’s an even better way, one that gives us a little more creative freedom with the final result and, as we learned in our 90007 Reducing File Sizes With Adjustment Layers tutorial 90008, will help keep the size of our Photoshop document to a minimum, and that’s by using a 90007 Hue / Saturation adjustment layer 90008! 90005 90022 The Hue / Saturation Adjustment Layer 90023 90004 In a later tutorial in this series, we’ll look at how we can use a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer to create more 90007 professional, custom black and white versions of color images 90008.Here, we’ll simply look at how we can use a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer to not only desaturate the color completely from an image but also how to keep just a hint of the original color for a more creative and interesting result. 90005 90004 First, before we go any further, let’s bring back the photo’s original color by undoing the Desaturate command, which we can do by going up to the 90007 Edit 90008 menu at the top of the screen and choosing 90007 Undo Desaturate 90008. Or, a faster way to undo your last step is by pressing the keyboard shortcut 90007 Ctrl + Z 90008 (Win) / 90007 Command + Z 90008 (Mac) (to undo multiple steps, press 90007 Ctrl + Alt + Z 90008 (Win) / 90007 Command + Option + Z 90008 (Mac)): 90005 90084 90084 90004 Go to Edit> Undo Desaturate, or press Ctrl + Z (Win) / Command + Z (Mac) to restore the color in the photo.90005 90004 To add a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer, click on the 90007 New Adjustment Layer 90008 icon at the bottom of the Layers palette (it’s the circle split diagonally between black and white), then choose 90007 Hue / Saturation 90008 from the list of adjustment layers that appears: 90005 90094 90094 90004 Click on the New Adjustment Layer icon and choose Hue / Saturation from the list. 90005 90004 If you’re using Photoshop CS4 as I am here, the controls and options for the Hue / Saturation adjustment layer will appear in the 90007 Adjustments Panel 90008 which is new to CS4.If you’re using Photoshop CS3 or earlier, the Hue / Saturation dialog box will appear on your screen. 90005 90004 To desaturate the color, simply drag the 90007 Saturation 90008 slider all the way to the left: 90005 90106 90106 90004 Drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left to completely remove the color from the image. 90005 90004 This gives us the exact same result that we saw with the Desaturate command. With the color removed, we’re left with a basic black and white version: 90005 90112 90112 90004 Once again, the color has been removed to give us a black and white version of the photo.90005 90004 So what’s the difference between using the Desaturate command and dragging the Saturation slider? Well, let’s say we decide that we do not want a completely black and white image. We’d like to bring back a subtle amount of the photo’s original color. With the Desaturate command, unless we duplicated the Background layer first and applied the command to a copy of the image, we’d be out of luck. But with the Hue / Saturation adjustment layer, bringing back some of the color is easy! 90005 90004 Since we’re using an adjustment layer, nothing we’re doing to our image is permanent.We’re free to make as many changes as we like without causing any harm to the original photo (see our 90007 Non-Destructive Photo Editing With Adjustment Layers tutorial 90008 to learn more). To restore some of the original color, simply drag the Saturation slider back a little towards the right. Keep an eye on your photo in the document window to judge the results as you drag the slider. The further you drag it towards the right, the more color you’ll restore. Since we want to bring back just a hint of color, I’m going to drag my Saturation slider a short ways toward the right until the value displayed in the Saturation input box is around -90, which brings back 10% of the original color saturation: 90005 90122 90122 90004 The Saturation slider makes it easy to control how much color is removed from the image.90005 90004 Rather than a completely black and white image, my photo now has more of a muted color effect: 90005 90128 90128 90004 Leaving a hint of color can sometimes be more interesting than a completely black and white effect. 90005 90004 If you’re using Photoshop CS3 or earlier, click OK in the top right corner of the Hue / Saturation dialog box when you’re done to exit out of it. 90005 90004 Since our black and white effect is entirely contained within the Hue / Saturation adjustment layer, if at any point we want to restore the original full color image, all we need to do is turn off the adjustment layer by clicking on its 90007 layer visibility icon 90008 (the «eyeball» icon), which you’ll find on the far left of the layer in the Layers palette: 90005 90138 90138 90004 Turn the black and white effect on and off by clicking on the layer visibility icon.90005 90004 The original color is instantly restored: 90005 90016 90016 90004 With the adjustment layer turned off, the document window once again displays the original full color image. 90005 90004 Click again on the layer visibility icon to turn the adjustment layer back on and switch back to the black and white version. 90005 90004 Up next, we’ll look at another fast, fun and interesting way to convert a color photo to black and white in Photoshop, this time using a 90007 Gradient Map 90008! 90005 90154 .90000 FREE Texture Pack: 50 Handcrafted Distressed Textures 90001 90002 Transform images with these handmade and completely FREE textures. Add a washed-and-worn look to vectors, a faded vintage look to photos, or a distressed grunge style to designs — and much more. 90003 90004 Looking to add more personality to your designs? We created this pack of 50 free distressed textures to enhance your design projects. Each texture is one-of-a-kind and handmade, created in-house by experimenting with india ink and acrylic paint.90005 90004 These distressed textures are easy to use in any design program — each texture comes as a flat JPG and a transparent PNG for easy drag-and-drop use over your design or in clipping masks. 90005 90004 Take a peek at this texture pack in action, then keep scrolling to get your free download. 90005 90004 90011 90012 90005 90014 What Are Textures? 90015 90004 Textures add visual interest in a design by providing a tactile feel to an otherwise flat graphic. They’re a simple but powerful way to add contrast and interest to a design.90005 90004 For this texture pack, I experimented with acrylic paint and india ink, applying them to fabrics, papers, sponges, and unique surfaces to create a distinct look for each texture. All of the textures were scanned at a high resolution and cropped to 4680 x 6000 pixels. 90005 90004 Sign up to receive the next Shutterstock freebie directly in your inbox. 90005 90014 Thanks for signing up! 90015 90004 Please check your email to confirm your subscription.90005 90026 90014 Download 50 Free Textures 90015 90004 Downloading your free texture pack is easy! Just click on the button below. Want to see how these textures can be used on a design? Follow along with our step-by-step Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop instructions. 90005 90004 Be the first to know about new free stuff by signing up with our email list above. 90005 90004 90034 By downloading this free texture pack, you agree not to resell or redistribute these assets.90035 90005 90004 Download Now 90005 90026 90014 How to Use Textures in Your Designs 90015 90004 Not sure how to use these textures? We put together two simple step-by-step tutorials showing how to apply these textures in 90043 Adobe Illustrator with clipping masks 90044 and in 90043 Adobe Photoshop with layer masks 90044. 90005 90004 Remember, your free download comes with two handy file types. The 50 PNG files are ideal for adding a transparent texture overlay to your designs in any image editing program, like Shutterstock Editor; the 50 JPG files are best when applied to layer or clipping masks in applications like Photoshop or Illustrator.90005 90026 90014 Using a Texture in Adobe Illustrator 90015 90004 Start by downloading an EPS vector file or by opening your design in Illustrator. You can download the Shutterstock plugin for Creative Cloud to browse, license, and download any vector graphic straight from the Adobe Illustrator application. 90005 90004 For this tutorial, I’m going to apply a clipping mask to this retro summer camp badge with one of the free textures found in the JPEG folder. 90005 90057 Step 1: Open Vector Image File 90058 90004 Within the Shutterstock plugin, you can search through millions of vector graphics to download and place into your designs.Simply hit the red 90043 License Image 90044 button to bring it onto your artboard. 90005 90004 90064 90005 90004 Ungroup all elements by clicking 90043 Shift + Command + G 90044. I’m going for a screen print effect, so I’m going to utilize the 90043 Pathfinder 90044 panel to remove the red elements and apply a texture to the light grey parts. 90005 90004 90073 90005 90004 Group the red shapes with 90043 Command + G 90044 and unite the elements together with the 90043 Unite 90044 command in the 90043 Pathfinder 90044 tool.This will ensure all overlapping elements are removed completely later on. 90005 90004 90084 90005 90004 Select the badge background while holding down the 90043 Shift key 90044 and then select the 90043 Minus Front 90044 command to remove the front layer of the badge. You’re now left with a single color badge, ready for a texture transformation. 90005 90057 Step 2: Apply Clipping Mask 90058 90004 Bring up the 90043 Transparency 90044 panel by navigating to 90043 Window 90044, then selecting 90043 Transparency 90044.Select the object on which you want to apply a texture, then hit 90043 Make Mask 90044. Click over to the black box to edit the opacity mask and select 90043 Shift + Command + P 90044 to show your files. 90005 90004 90107 90005 90004 Click on the 90043 Flat JPEG 90044 texture folder within the 90043 50 Free Distressed Textures 90044 file — I selected 90043 Distressed Texture_05.jpg 90044. Place the texture onto your artboard and click the cursor near your design. This will bring up the masked texture; notice how the black portions of the texture are masked out, while the white portions remain.90005 90004 The more grungey textures, which have more black portions, will show off little bits of your design. Simply invert the texture by checking off 90043 Invert Mask 90044 in the 90043 Transparency 90044 panel when dealing with darker textures. 90005 90004 You can distort or resize the texture with the 90043 Selection Tool (V) 90044 by dragging the corners out to your liking. Select the 90043 Release 90044 button to completely remove the texture from your design. 90005 90057 Step 3: Apply Color Palette 90058 90004 Choosing a color palette for your design does not have to be hard.Check out my 101 color combinations to get inspired — each palette comes with corresponding hex codes so you can easily apply them to your project. Finding images or designs that match the tone of your design trains you to recognize successful palettes and experiment with palettes you would have initially overlooked. 90005 90004 90134 90005 90004 This Adventurous Reds image and palette really fits the bill for my summer camp badge, giving off a warm, nostalgic vibe. Illustrator lets you input the unique six-digit hex codes, giving you the exact hues from the color palette.I am going to sample this rich Ruby (# B12C25) and warm Khaki (# F2D3C1) on the summer camp badge. 90005 90004 90139 90005 90004 Select the element you want to apply color to, then click over to the 90043 Fill 90044 dialog box located on the left hand side of the program. This will show the 90043 Color Picker 90044 panel; simply type in those hex codes and hit 90043 OK 90044 to return to the artboard. 90005 90004 90005 90004 Applying a texture to this vector design elevated the whole appearance in just three simple steps, giving the badge a retro, screen-printed look.You can experiment with multiple textures in a composition to get that super distressed look. 90005 90026 90014 Using a Texture in Adobe Photoshop 90015 90004 Applying textures in Photoshop is similar to the process in Illustrator; both programs feature masks to insert and edit textures. We’re going to take this t-shirt graphic and apply a wrinkled texture to give the design that vintage, worn-by-a-few-generations look. 90005 90057 Step 1: Drag Graphic into Photoshop 90058 90004 Start by bringing your image into the Photoshop program.Be sure to remove all background elements so that you’re only applying textures to the isolated graphic. 90005 90002 90003 90004 I opened this t-shirt graphic as an EPS into Illustrator, then removed the background and dropped the saved AI file into Photoshop. Crop your image to the 90043 Bounding Box 90044 and hit 90043 OK 90044. 90005 90057 Step 2: Open Texture File 90058 90004 Drop the texture file you want to use for your t-shirt graphic. I dragged 90043 Distressed Texture_08.jpg 90044 into the program because has the same vintage quality that I want in my design.90005 90004 90177 90005 90004 Click 90043 Command + A 90044 to select the full texture, then hit 90043 Command + C 90044 to copy and prepare the image to be pasted into the 90043 Layer Mask 90044. 90005 90057 Step 3: Apply Layer Mask to Graphic 90058 90004 In the 90043 Layers 90044 panel, click 90043 Add Layer Mask 90044. Select the 90043 Option key 90044 to isolate the layer mask. 90043 90044 90043 90044 90005 90002 90202 90003 90004 Paste the distressed texture to the layer mask by hitting 90043 Command + V 90044, then resize the texture with the 90043 Free Transform Tool 90044 by clicking 90043 Command + T 90044.When resized to your liking, click back over to the original graphic; you’ll notice the black portions of the texture are masked out, leaving behind the white portions. 90005 90004 90213 90005 90004 You can easily edit the mask by clicking the 90043 lock icon 90044 to unlink the layer mask from the graphic. Activate the 90043 Free Transform Tool 90044 again with 90043 Command + T 90044 to move or resize the texture. 90005 90004 90224 90005 90004 This graphic looks great paired with a dark grey t-shirt; save your design as a 90043 PNG 90044 to make sure it’s transparent, and attach on top of the shirt.Resize with 90043 Command + T 90044, then adjust the blend mode to 90043 Overlay 90044 to give the mockup a natural screen-print look. 90005 90004 90235 90005 90004 You’re all set! Do not forget that you can also use these textures in Shutterstock Editor. If you do not have access to more expensive software, it’s a great option for image editing and simple design techniques. 90005 90004 90034 Cover image: Mountain image via Sloth Astronaut. Textures used from 50 Free Distressed Textures Pack.90035 90005 90004 90244 90012 90005 90026 90002 BONUS: Searching for freebies to use in your next project? Here’s more! 90003 .90000 Grunge | Textures for Photoshop 90001 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 90005 pattern 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This is a seamless 90003 grunge 90004 90005 texture 90006 that you can use as grunge 90005 pattern 90006 in Photoshop. Using a grunge 90005 pattern 90006 you can create website backgrounds, wallpapers, etc. 90017 90002 So if you are looking for a seamless distressed 90005 pattern 90006 or grunge pattern, you can use our seamless 90005 texture 90006 image.Grungy 90005 patterns 90006 can also be used to make old photo effects, old film effects, etc. We have lots of grunge 90005 pattern 90006 images, distressed textures, dust and scratches 90005 textures 90006 to choose from. 90017 90002 You can also check out this 90005 grunge texture pack 90006 from PhotoshopSupply. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 John 90036 views: 90037 2312 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Red 90003 grunge 90004 background that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This is a red 90003 grunge 90004 background with a distressed effect. You can change the color of this grunge background in 90005 Photoshop 90006 using a Gradient Map or a Hue / Saturation adjustment. 90017 90002 You can use this grunge red background in all kind of graphic design projects.You can use it to create website backgrounds, to make posters, etc. Combine this grunge 90005 texture 90006 with a grunge font to make awesome typography posters. 90017 90002 We have lots of grunge 90005 textures 90006 to choose from. Most of the grunge 90005 textures 90006 are monochrome 90005 textures 90006 with black and white color. In our 90005 textures 90006 gallery we have lots of other 90005 textures 90006 like dust textures, scratches 90005 textures 90006 and many more.90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 John 90036 views: 90037 4101 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 White 90003 grunge 90004 background that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This white 90003 grunge 90004 background can be used in all kind of graphic design projects.Grunge 90005 textures 90006 are useful for creating old photo effects. 90017 90002 You can use it also to create aged paper effect. 90005 Download 90006 the white grunge background and create different photo effects. The white paper has a stains, dirt, scratches and an old distressed look. 90017 90002 Use blend modes in 90005 Photoshop 90006 like Multiply to make a photo look old and scratched. We have other grunge paper 90005 textures 90006 so make sure you check our gallery for more free textures.90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3211 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Alice in wonderland 90003 grunge 90004 90005 texture 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This is a 90003 grunge 90004 wall is a repetitive keyhole patter made in Photoshop.The grunge retro wall can be used to create backgrounds for Alice in Wonderland photo manipulations and backgrounds. 90017 90002 The 90005 pattern 90006 from the wall is made from shapes of the famous Alice in Wonderland keyhole. We also have a version with Alice in Wonderland red hearts so make sure you check our gallery. 90017 90002 rating: 90121 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3756 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 90005 texture 90006 in high resolution that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. Use this grungy black paper overlay in 90005 Photoshop 90006 to create old photo effects. You can easily create a vintage old look using this paper overlay. 90017 90002 High-res paper 90005 textures 90006 are also useful for printing materials like book covers, CD covers, flyers, banners, etc.Use the grungy paper background to create a dark horror effect in just a few steps. You can also check out this 90005 grunge texture pack 90006 from PhotoshopSupply. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3312 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Crack 90003 grunge 90004 90005 texture 90006 PNG image that you can 90005 download 90006 for free.If you want to create a grungy old surface you can use this transparent PNG image. Add the PNG cracked image over your 90005 texture 90006 and you obtain a realistic effect in no time. 90017 90002 This grunge 90005 texture 90006 PNG overlay works best for concrete and cement walls. But it can also be used for aging paper 90005 textures 90006 for example. Crack PNG images are useful in all kind of graphic design projects. 90017 90002 I used this remove white background Photoshop action to make the 90005 texture 90006 transparent and save it as PNG.You can also check out this 90005 grunge texture pack 90006 from PhotoshopSupply. More texture png images here. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 6321 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Create a vintage look with this letterpress ink texture.90005 Download 90006 for free this 90003 grunge 90004 stamp 90005 texture 90006 and use it to create vintage effects in 90005 Photoshop 90006 for photos and text. Vintage letterpress ink 90005 textures 90006 are used to create a rolled ink effect in Photoshop. 90017 90002 rating: 90121 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3317 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 High resolution 90003 grunge 90004 metal 90005 texture 90006 with rust and scratches. 90005 Download 90006 for free this high-res painted metal old texture. You can use this grunge rusted metallic surface to add 90005 texture 90006 to 3D game objects. 90017 90002 You can also use this rusty 90005 texture 90006 in 90005 Photoshop 90006 to create text effects.Looks also great as background for your graphic design projects. High resolution images at 300 dpi can also be used for print materials. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 1850 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 High resolution 90003 grunge 90004 90005 texture 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 for free.This is a high-res old surface 90005 texture 90006 with scratches, noise and dirt effects. You can use this grungy old weathered 90005 texture 90006 in 90005 Photoshop 90006 manipulations to create old photo effects. 90017 90002 Use this 90005 texture 90006 as overlay image for your photos. High resolution 90005 textures 90006 that have 300 dpi can also be used for print. This is a stained 90005 texture 90006 with lots of scratches that gives it a distressed old look. 90017 90002 Create old vintage photo effects in 90005 Photoshop 90006 using this free grunge texture.Use a blend mode like Multiply for example. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 2235 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Seamless 90003 grunge 90004 horror 90005 texture 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 for free.This is a black 90005 texture 90006 seamless for you to use in 90005 Photoshop 90006 as pattern. You can create a black background of any size with this dark seamless texture. 90017 90002 The 90005 texture 90006 has a grungy horror look with stains and scratches. You can use it as 90005 texture 90006 overlay in 90005 Photoshop 90006 to create old photo effects. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3127 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 distressed dirty 90005 texture 90006 that you can use for free. You can create weathered old look effect with this free grunge 90005 texture 90006 overlay for Photoshop. You can create old photo effect, scratched grunge metal effect, dirty old look for your photos, etc. 90017 90002 You can also check out this 90005 grunge texture pack 90006 from PhotoshopSupply.90017 90002 rating: 90301 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 17221 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 black and white 90005 texture 90006 for 90005 Photoshop 90006 that you can use for free.This 90003 grunge 90004 90005 texture 90006 background can be used as 90005 Photoshop 90006 overlay image for creating vintage photo effects. Also you can use this scratched distressed 90005 texture 90006 to create old peeled weathered surfaces. 90017 90002 Grunge backgrounds are useful for creating old vintage effects, for creating retro photo effects, for aging new textures. Simply add this grunge 90005 texture 90006 in 90005 Photoshop 90006 over your pictures and set the blend mode.You can also use this image as 90005 Photoshop 90006 channels mask. 90017 90002 Very useful and versatile 90005 texture 90006 that you can use in all kind of design projects both free and commercial. You can also check out this 90005 grunge texture pack 90006 from PhotoshopSupply. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 18731 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 horror 90005 texture 90006 background that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This red horror 90005 texture 90006 can be used as Halloween background for 90005 Photoshop 90006 manipulations or creepy text effects. Grunge bloody 90005 texture 90006 free for use in all kind of personal and commercial digital art projects.90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 6268 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Crumpled 90003 grunge 90004 plastic 90005 texture 90006 overlay that you can 90005 download 90006 for free.This is an old plastic material with crumples and wrinkles. Old weathered and distressed plastic becomes creased and wrinkled due to the aging process. 90017 90002 This is a real plastic foil 90005 texture 90006 that you can use in 90005 Photoshop 90006 to create different grunge old effects. Feel free to use this 90005 texture 90006 in any other project personal or commercial. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 7298 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 dirty 90005 texture 90006 in high resolution that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This is a old cement floor with a distressed weathered look. If you are looking for high-res grunge cement floor textures, you can use this image for free. 90017 90002 You can use this 90005 texture 90006 to create grungy walls, old outdoor floors, etc.Or you can use it as 90005 texture 90006 overlay to age other 90005 textures 90006 like paper 90005 texture 90006 for example. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 6557 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 reeled and rusted metal 90005 texture 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 for free.If you are looking for old rusted metallic surface 90005 textures 90006 this rusty metal is just what you need. The free rust 90005 texture 90006 for 90005 Photoshop 90006 can be used to create rusty text effects, vintage photo effects, old metal signs and so on. 90017 90002 Creating a realistic rust surface from scratch in 90005 Photoshop 90006 is no that easy so using a realistic rust 90005 texture 90006 is always the best choice. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3358 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 rusty peeling paint metal 90005 texture 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This is a high-res grungy rusted metal with peeling paint effect and a cracked distressed look. You can use this rusted peeled metal surface in 90005 Photoshop 90006 to create old vintage effects. 90017 90002 You can also use this 90005 texture 90006 to create a decay effect in Photoshop.This free 90005 texture 90006 is also useful in creating crack and peel effect in Photoshop; usually used for portrait effects to obtain cracked skin effect. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 2734 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 If you are looking for free industrial background images you can 90005 download 90006 this 90003 grunge 90004 industrial texture.You can use this free industry background in 90005 Photoshop 90006 for creating dark effect photo manipulations. The industrial 90005 texture 90006 with a dark grungy old look can be used as background image for all kind of photo effects. 90017 90002 Use it also as horror background for Halloween 90005 Photoshop 90006 manipulations. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3374 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 frame and border PNG stock image that you can use to create old vignette effect in Photoshop. This grunge vignette PNG image has transparent background so you can use it over your pictures in Photoshop. The vignette overlay PNG is easy to use simply paste it over your picture and set the blend mode that you like. 90017 90002 If you want to create a vignette in 90005 Photoshop 90006 you can use this grunge transparent border.Learn how to make a grunge border in 90005 Photoshop 90006 in just a few steps with this free grunge frame PNG. This frame has an old distressed look with noise, scratches and grungy effects. 90017 90002 We also has lots of other free grunge borders for 90005 Photoshop 90006 and other graphic design tools like Gimp. More texture png images here. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 27482 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 halftone comics 90005 texture 90006 overlay for 90005 Photoshop 90006 that you can use for free. Simply add the comics 90005 texture 90006 overlay over your photo and change the blend mode. You will obtain an vintage comic book effect in 90005 Photoshop 90006 with grunge old look. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 7596 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Download for free this rusty metal 90005 texture 90006 with 90003 grunge 90004 distressed look. The corroded rusty metal 90005 texture 90006 has beautiful rust color tones and also some traces of old paint. This old weathered metal surface can be used in 90005 Photoshop 90006 to create different effects including face effects. 90017 90002 A 90005 Photoshop 90006 portrait effect that can be created using this rusty metal 90005 texture 90006 is grunge cracked face effect.90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 3653 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 This is a paint splatter 90005 texture 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 and use for free. Abstract 90003 grunge 90004 color paint stains made with paint brushes in Photoshop.The paint splatter is added on a black paper texture. 90017 90002 Use this grunge painting 90005 texture 90006 as horror background or as 90005 texture 90006 overlay for creating different effect in Photoshop. You can include this free image in any graphic design project, in blog and social media posts, etc. You can easily change the brush color using adjustment layers like Hue / Saturation for example. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 2520 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 Seamless 90003 grunge 90004 black and yellow stripes 90005 texture 90006 that you can 90005 download 90006 for free. This yellow stripes 90005 pattern 90006 can be used to create grunge industrial backgrounds, sci-fi metal panels, road markings and so on. This is a seamless yellow stripes hazard 90005 texture 90006 for you to use in 90005 Photoshop 90006 as pattern.90017 90002 Create a warning background 90005 texture 90006 using this seamless pattern. You can change the color of the diagonal lines using adjustment layers like Hue / Saturation for example. 90017 90002 rating: 90035 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 2699 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 90002 90003 Grunge 90004 black and white lines 90005 texture 90006 with distressed look.You can use this free lines 90005 texture 90006 overlay in 90005 Photoshop 90006 to create comics, comic book effects. Simply add the comics overlay over your image and set the blend mode to Multiply for example. 90017 90002 If you want to make the lines thicker and darker use this thicken lines Photoshop action. 90017 90002 rating: 90619 90036 submitted by: 90037 admin 90036 views: 90037 4792 90036 website: www.textures4photoshop.com 90017 .90000 How to use textures in Photoshop 90001 90002 Texture is often what blurs the lines between traditional and digital artwork. Often it’s easy to tell the difference between the two if your digital artwork does not have any kind of canvas behind it, but by applying your own textures in Photoshop, you can help to give your artwork a little more realism. 90003 90002 In this Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to be applying a simple noise and canvas texture, which will look and feel a bit like paper.We’ve created a simply chalk and charcoal drawing to use it on so that we can see it clearly, and it’s going to help add a little more shape and tone to the image. This is why texture is great; without some kind of texture behind this picture, it looks rather obviously digitally drawn. 90003 90002 It’s not just paper textures that you can add to your artwork. You may want the illusion of a film texture for more realistic pieces, or even a wall of some sort for a street art effect in your urban sci-fi composition.There are plenty of pre-made and even free textures online that you can insert into your work and change the blend mode of. 90003 90002 Okay, let’s see how much of a difference a texture makes … 90003 90010 01. Add noise as the basis of your texture 90011 90002 90003 Creating a new layer over your painting means that we can apply the effect to blend it with the layer below 90002 Start by setting your foreground and background swatches as black and white by hitting 90015 D 90016. Create a new layer then go to Filter> Noise> Add Noise.Choose an amount of 400 per cent, check the Monochromatic box and make sure you choose Gaussian, before you hit OK. 90003 90002 We’re using black and white as it makes a subtle grey colour from a distance; this means that altering the blend mode will display the texture cleanly. However if you wish to add a colourful tint to your texture, create a new layer, fill with colour and 90015 alt / opt 90016 -click to clip it to your texture. 90003 90010 02. Adjust the Blend mode of the texture 90011 90002 90003 Experiment with different Blend modes 90002 Because we want to blend our noise texture in a little with the digital artwork that’s sitting on a layer beneath it, this is the stage where we ‘ re going to change the Blend mode.Set the Blend mode to Linear Light in this case, and reduce the Opacity to around 40 per cent. 90003 90002 You do not have to use Linear Light; experiment with Color Dodge for a more dramatic effect, or Overlay and Soft Light for a more subtle look. 90003 90002 Reducing the Opacity can also help to lessen the effect slightly without taking away from the actual noise. Press 4 to set the layer at 40 per cent Opacity. You can also drag horizontally where it says Opacity in the Layers palette, to change the Opacity.90003 90002 You can tweak your custom texture by clipping adjustments to it using clipping masks. You may wish to edit the tone, brightness or exposure of the texture. 90003 90010 03. Blur the texture layer 90011 90002 90003 Applying a blur smooths things out 90002 Now we’re going to apply a blur to the noise to just smooth it out a little. Go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur to apply your blur, and choose a radius of around 3-5px before hitting OK. You can see in the preview dialog how it will affect your work before you apply it.90003 90002 Photoshop will show you how the blur looks when applied over your actual picture, as well as in the preview. You can use the slider to alter the blur, or simply enter a value, and use the Magnifying glass icons to zoom either in or out of your image as a whole, to see the blur in action. 90003 90010 04. Set up a canvas texture 90011 90002 90003 A canvas texture gives a more believable base 90002 Next up we’re going to use a canvas texture, just to give this image a more believable base.Go to Filter> Filter Gallery and choose Texture, then Texturizer. Choose a Scaling value of 200 per cent and a relief setting of 10, with light in the image coming from the top, before you apply. 90003 90002 Also note that there are other canvases are available from the drop-down menu, including brick. 90003 90002 You can use the Invert option to display a reverse of what you’re applying. Hold 90015 cmd / ctrl 90016 to bring up the Default button, below the OK button. Clicking this will revert your changes back to the values that were originally set.90003 90010 05. Sharpen and smooth your texture 90011 90002 90003 Sharpening the texture can make your image look crisper 90002 Finally, duplicate this texture layer and go to Filter> Other> High Pass. Set your value as 5px and click OK, before setting the layer to Overlay. Merge this with the layer below, set to Linear Light again and then go to Filter> Noise> Reduce Noise to further smooth out the texture. 90003 90002 Choose a strength of 5 and leave all other options free to smooth out the texture a little after you’ve sharpened it up slightly.If the texture now looks too prominent, reduce the Opacity a little further. By sharpening and smoothing the texture, you’re blending it further into the picture, while making sure it looks crisp. 90003 90002 90063 This article originally appeared in 90064 90063 ImagineFX 90064 90063, the world’s leading magazine for digital artists. 90064 90063 Subscribe here 90064 90063. 90064 90003 90002 90015 Read more: 90016 90003 .